

Ponnaganti Koora Seeds

Original price was: ₹55.00.Current price is: ₹29.00.

General Information:

Ponnaganti Koora, also known as water amaranth or Chinese spinach, is a leafy green vegetable that is commonly grown and consumed in South Asia. The seeds of Ponnaganti Koora are small, oval-shaped, and brown in color. Here’s a description of Ponnaganti Koora seeds and their uses:

Ponnaganti Koora seeds are tiny and dark brown, with a smooth texture. They are typically harvested from mature Ponnaganti Koora plants, which are characterized by their long, slender stems and vibrant green leaves. The seeds are an essential part of the plant’s reproduction process and contain all the genetic material needed to grow into new plants.

Each Packet Contains   30+ seeds.

Common Uses

  • Culinary Purposes: Ponnaganti Koora seeds are often used in traditional South Asian cuisine, where they are added to various dishes for their nutritional value and unique flavor. The seeds can be ground into a fine powder and used as a seasoning or thickening agent in curries, stews, and soups.

    Sprouting: Ponnaganti Koora seeds can be sprouted and eaten raw or added to salads and sandwiches for a nutritious boost. Sprouting increases the seed’s nutritional content and makes it easier for the body to digest.

    Medicinal Uses: In traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda, Ponnaganti Koora seeds are believed to have various health benefits. They are thought to possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and diuretic properties, and are used to treat ailments such as arthritis, digestive disorders, and skin problems.

    Livestock Feed: Ponnaganti Koora seeds are sometimes used as a feed supplement for livestock, providing them with essential nutrients and energy. The seeds can be fed to poultry, cattle, and other animals as part of a balanced diet.

    Seed Saving: Ponnaganti Koora seeds can also be saved and replanted to grow new plants in the following growing season. Properly stored seeds can remain viable for several years, allowing farmers and gardeners to continue growing Ponnaganti Koora crops for years to come.

    Overall, Ponnaganti Koora seeds are a versatile ingredient with culinary, medicinal, and agricultural uses. Whether used in cooking, sprouting, or as a natural remedy, these tiny seeds play an important role in South Asian cuisine and traditional medicine.


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Good quality.Good service.The product is firmly packed.Very fast delivery.Very well worth the money.

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